What on earth is a prophet? How on earth should we read the chaos of the prophetic books? How does God see the Jerusalem Temple? Is God's Torah as false as the scribes and priests who work with it? Can God suffer or change his mind? Can idols be found only in our hearts?

These are some questions which a reader of the Book of Jeremiah may have. During the course of this semester, it is my purpose to help you think through these exciting, interesting, challenging and (possibly even) disturbing questions. We will explore each of these questions as we take a closer look at Prophetic literature in the OT and the role of the book of Jeremiah. We will pay close exegetical attention to Jeremiah's temple sermon (7:1-15), his critique of the wise and the priests (8:4-12), God's outcry of pain and anguish (8:18-9:3), and a didactic poem on divine images and wisdom (10:1-16).

Join me as I seek to apply a textually faithful, yet firmly contextual, exegetical approach to Jeremiah 7-10. Together with me, you will be asking about meaningful wholes, literary types (genre), what does it say about God, what are things I do not know about and what might it do to me if I read it.


Što je, u opće, prorok? Kako bismo, zaista, trebali čitati kaos proročkih knjiga? Kako Bog vidi jeruzalemski hram? Je li Božja Tora pokvarena kao pisari i svećenici koji se sa njom služe? Može li Bog patiti ili promijeniti svoje mišljenje? Mogu li se idoli naći samo u našim srcima?

Ovo su neka pitanja koja čitatelj Jeremijine knjige može imati. Tijekom ovog semestra, svrha mi je pomoći vam da razmislite o ovim uzbudljivim, zanimljivim, izazovnim i (možda čak) uznemirujućim pitanjima. Istražit ćemo svako od ovih pitanja dok pobliže promatramo proročku literaturu u SZ i ulogu Jeremijine knjige. Pomno ćemo egzegetski obraditi Jeremijinu hramsku propovijed (7,1-15), njegovu kritiku mudraca i svećenika (8,4-12), Božji vapaj boli i tjeskobe (8,18-9,3), i didaktičku pjesmu o božanskim kipovima i mudrosti (10,1-16).

Pridružite mi se dok nastojim primijeniti tekstualno vjeran, ali čvrsto kontekstualan, egzegetski pristup Jeremiji 7-10. Zajedno sa mnom pitat ćete se o smislenim cjelinama, književnim vrstama (žanrovima), što tekst govori o Bogu, o kojim stvarima ne znam dovoljno i što bi mi moglo ovaj tekst učiniti ako ga pročitam.