- Nastavnik: Ivica Kelam
- Nastavnik: Maja Seguin
- Nastavnik: Valerija Koprivnjak
- Nastavnik: Maja Seguin
- Nastavnik: Jeremy Bohall
- Nastavnik: Ivica Kelam
- Nastavnik: Peter Kuzmic
- Nastavnik: Maja Seguin
The purpose of this course is to equip students with four frameworks for doing OT Theology. These include promise, exile, covenant and creation. Representative biblical texts and biblical scholars are brought into a constructive dialogue inthe course of reflecting about the already-not yet tension, suffering and pain, the relationship between judgment and salvation, and the challenges of everyday life. The four frameworks are also applied to the role of the law in biblical ethics and a tentative theology of reading and writing (i.e. intellectuals and the life of the mind).
- Nastavnik: Aleksandar Apostolovski